My hands
Writers/lyricists: Jackline Amony, Gilbert Olal
Producer: Kobby Worldwide

A song about fighting through the hard times even when growing tired. Inspired by the story of Exodus 17
(the battle of Refidim). For as long as Moses kept his hands lifted the Israelites won the battle against the
Amalekites. Just after the win, they still doubted God when they couldn’t get water to drink. Moses begged
God for another miracle where God instructed him to strike a rock and water flowed. Sometimes I doubt
myself and God but I will still use the little strength I have to keep my hands up and try as much as possible
to remember the miracles I’ve seen before. I won’t give up
The vocal delivery is soft but defiant going through a series of self-dialogues to keep myself motivated. In
some parts it seems like I am talking to someone (God) and in others, the enemy that I need to fight. The
instrumentation is a blend of hard bass beats and strings carrying the melodic lines which is my signature.


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